The other board members appointed by Drusina include Emily Brott of the Sonoran Institute in Tucson; Rosanna Gabaldón, member of the Sahuarita Town Council; Robert Gumtow, U.S. Border Patrol public lands liaison agent based in Tucson; ...
Die Urlaubsregion Prignitz mit seinen wunderschönen Städten und Gemeinden wie Lenzen, Meyenburg, Perleberg, Pritzwalk, Putlitz, Groß Pankow, Gumtow, Karstädt und Plattenburg hat seinen Gästen viel zu bieten. ...
Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) (Gumtow-Farrior. 1991) tend to form natural cavities in live trees, providing a higher density of nesting and roosting opportunities for secondary cavity-using species than live conifers. In ...... This contributes to Westside forest land conversion, particularly urbanization and real estate development. Thus, land use conversion is thought to pose possibly the single greatest threat to general wildlife habitat. Habitat creation ...